Owl Sync Sliders Gallery in ModX with Fancybox 3
Create 2 sliders one for thumbnails, one for large images and sync them up using Owl Carousel and also include the fancybox popup image slideshow.
1) Download or load the necessary files; jquery.js, owl.carousel.min.js, fancybox, bootstrap. Make sure to install the Modx extra 'Gallery'.
2) Create a gallery with the MODX "Gallery" plugin.
3) Start in Modx by creating 3 chunks: galleryTpl, galleryPageTpl, galleryPageThumbTpl
galleryTpl: <div class="gallery"> <div class="big-images owl-carousel"> [[Gallery? &album=`[[*gallery]]` &thumbTpl=`galleryPageTpl` &thumbWidth=`870` &thumbHeight=`458` &imageWidth=`2000` &imageHeight=`2000` &imageQuality=`100` ]] </div> </div> <div class="gallery-nav"> <div class="small-images owl-carousel"> [[Gallery? &album=`[[*gallery]]` &thumbTpl=`galleryPageThumbTpl` &thumbWidth=`150` &thumbHeight=`100`]] </div> </div> galleryPageTpl: <div class="gallery-main-img"><a href="[[+image]]" data-fancybox="gallery" data-caption="[[+pagetitle]]"><img src="[[+thumbnail]]" alt="[[+name]]"></a></div> galleryPageThumbTpl: <div><img src="[[+thumbnail]]" alt="[[+name]]"></div>
4) Insert Jquery Functions after the footer.
<script> $(document).ready(function(){ var sync1 = $('.big-images'), sync2 = $('.small-images'), duration = 300, thumbs = 6; // Sync nav sync2.on('click', '.owl-next', function () { sync1.trigger('next.owl.carousel') }); sync2.on('click', '.owl-prev', function () { sync1.trigger('prev.owl.carousel') }); // Start Carousel sync1.owlCarousel({ rtl: true, center : true, loop: true, items : 1, margin:0, nav : false }) .on('dragged.owl.carousel', function (event) { if (event.item.index == 'left') { sync2.trigger('next.owl.carousel') } else { sync2.trigger('prev.owl.carousel') } }); sync2.owlCarousel({ rtl: true, center: true, loop: true, margin:10, items:thumbs, nav : true }) .on('click', '.owl-item', function() { var i = $(this).index()-(thumbs); sync1.trigger('to.owl.carousel', [i, duration, true]); sync2.trigger('to.owl.carousel', [i, duration, true]); }); $(".gallery-main-img a").fancybox({ //fancybox initaliser margin:0 }); }); </script>
5) Put in chunk call on page or template
<!--Gallery--> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="container"> [[$galleryTpl]] </div> </div> <!--/Gallery-->
6) Test page to see if working
7) Style CSS to suit
.gallery{padding:10px 0;} .gallery-nav{padding-bottom:10px;} .gallery-nav .owl-item.active.center {border:solid 3px #0094ff;} /*Optional Nav Arrow Styles*/ .small-images > .owl-nav > div{display:block;float:left;width: 23px;height:0;padding-top: 23px;margin: 0 auto;background-position:center top;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:80% 100%;overflow:hidden;} .small-images > .owl-nav > div:hover,.small-images > .owl-nav > div:active,.sub-banner > .owl-nav > div:focus{background-position:center bottom;} .small-images > .owl-nav > .owl-prev{background-image:url(../images/icon_wht_arrow_left.png);position:absolute;left:0;bottom:40%;left: -27px;} .small-images > .owl-nav > .owl-next{background-image:url(../images/icon_wht_arrow_right.png);position:absolute;right:0;bottom:40%;right: -27px;} @media only screen and (max-width: 767px){ .small-images > .owl-nav > div{width: 23px;height:0;padding-top: 23px;} }
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