Make a Staff Profile Page in Modx

1) Make Template Variables (these are up to you) for this example we will need a photo and job title

2) Make getResources CHUNK.

    &parents=`9`          [[- 'This is the id of the Team Page Resource' ]]
    &tpl=`teamProfileTpl` [[- 'This is the name of your profile layout template chunk' ]]

3) Make the layout of the profiles CHUNK. (teamProfileTpl)

     <div class="col-md-4">
        <img src="[[+tv.teamProfilePhoto]]">
        <a href="[[~[[+id]]]]" class="btn btn-primary">View Profile</a>

3) On the parent Team page put the getResources CHUNK call in content area.


4) Make an individual team member page Template (or just use baseTemplate) for it to link to.


John Smith


View Profile

Tony Smith


View Profile

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